Your Path To Justice Begins With The Ransom Firm

Bike Accidents In Georgia

While it may come as a surprise for some Atlanta residents, bikes do meet the legal definition of “vehicle.” When you ride a bike, you have the same rights as other commuters, and you’re expected to abide by the same traffic laws. Cyclists cannot ride against the flow of traffic and must stay in the bike lane, provided one is available. There are exceptions to this rule, notably if there are hazards present in the bike lane or if the road isn’t wide enough to share it with other commuters. At The Ransom Firm, we are committed to advocating for injured cyclists and their recovery.

Following Bike Safety Is Vital, But It Doesn’t Guarantee Safety

Plenty of Georgia cyclists have taken to the street, eyes on the lookout, and they still get in an accident. Here are some common causes:

  • Distracted driving: Drivers may be looking at their phone, speaking to a passenger, eating, etc.
  • Failure to yield: Even if the right of way belongs to you, commuters may take it instead and collide with your bike.
  • Road hazards: Even if there is no car nearby, the road can be an unkind place (potholes, rough surfaces, debris).
  • Weather conditions: Inclement weather can threaten visibility and tire traction, and turn a brief trip down a “safe” road into a call to 911.

At The Ransom Firm, we know that cyclists who prioritize their health and safety still encounter negligent drivers and difficult weather. We’re ready to help advocate for your recovery.

What Kind Of Injuries Do Cyclists Typically Get?

Given the obvious size difference between bikes and other road vehicles, the risk of severe injury is significantly higher. That being said, there is still a spectrum. Cuts, bruises and abrasions are considered minor injuries, though they’re still nothing to shrug off. They can still very much impact your daily life. More severe injuries include:

  • Fractures: A break in the bone often caused by something making an impact, whether a foreign object or you holding your hands out to break your fall.
  • Head/brain injuries: While an external head injury may be easier to see, brain injuries are still incredibly devastating, despite their “invisible” nature.
  • Spinal injury: These often lead to partial or total paralysis based on the site of the injury.

At The Ransom Firm, we know how jarring an accident can be and the pain and worry that comes with it.

Steps To Take After An Accident

While we have a numbered list below, medical attention should be your first priority. Delaying treatment, or putting pressure on it (“walking off” the injury) can make the injury worse and change the trajectory of your recovery. While it’s smart to do a personal safety check-in, a medical professional will have a far more educated view of the toll an injury has taken and may take on your body.

  1. Document the accident scene: If you both your phone and you are physically able to, getting photos or videos of your surrounding area can be crucial evidence.
  2. Witness information: Anyone who saw the accident take place can have a valuable perspective should you need it. Having a way to get in touch with them, such as a phone number, can be wise.
  3. Law Enforcement Report: If/when the police arrive at the accident scene, filing an official report with them can start a paper trail. This can be beneficial for insurance and legal purposes.

If you were in a state of shock after your accident and you were unable to complete these items, that’s completely understandable. At The Ransom Firm, we want to help you gather evidence that helps tell the story of what happened to you.

Legal Rights Of Cyclists

You have a right to seek compensation after an accident. It’s common to have questions about how that compensation is determined, and what a fair number might look like. When bike accident compensation is discussed, here are some topics that come up:

  • Emergency room visit
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Medication refills
  • Other ongoing care costs
  • Lost wages from being unable to work
  • Pain and suffering

As you might expect, there can be a lot of back-and-forth arguing with insurance about what an appropriate number is. At The Ransom Firm, we always aim to try to maximize your compensation and dive into the details of your case. It is important to note that there is a statute of limitations to seek compensation. You have two years to file an injury claim from the date of your accident, which is exactly why being proactive is so important.

Why Should I Hire A Bike Accident Lawyer?

The Georgia cycling community is strong, but the aftermath of a bike accident is often overwhelming. You deserve a law firm that makes it their mission to help you recover and move on from your injury. The combination of the emotional toll of an injury, the influx of medical bills and the inability to work can be exhausting. We’ve touched on some of these topics earlier, but it bears repeating. Here’s why hiring a bike accident lawyer who has experience representing accident victims can help:

  • They can look over all the available details of the accident and use them to build a strong argument for your compensation.
  • They can deal with insurance companies, who often use tactics such as lowball settlements as well as questioning your role in your own accident.
  • They can take the fight for adequate compensation against your insurance company to court.

Far too many cyclists have assumed that their accident case would be cut and dry. For you, a bike accident injury that is making you look for law firms in the Atlanta area is hopefully a new experience. We’d rather have the cycling community be safe and sound. Bike hazards are out there though, and at The Ransom Firm, we want to help cyclists protect their rights after those hazards get way too close for comfort. You can reach out to us at 404-882-3198 or send us an email through our contact form.